Monday, June 27, 2005

Lilly Pad and Sam

Well Im not sure if anyone will ever visit our blog again becuase of the infrequency of our postings. Yet with that said Alyssa and I are doing well. We always think summer is a time to slow down yet we seem just as busy as when I am in school. Actually we are heading out to Haiti in about five weeks and we are in the preperation mode for the missions trip. Im hoping to try and email or blog each day when we are out there but I may have to do an eight day time delay blog. The trip is causing both excitement and trepidation in the both of us but I think more excitement than nervousness. Well Im off to grind down two customers stumps but I just wanted to see if I'd get a bite in the great sea of blogging

1 comment:

bowpack said...

Sweet. I miss Dan Reeve too. I think he should come visit Seattle.

Have a great trip to haiti. I'm sure God has some great stuff in store.

Dan: We had a LAN party at my apartment rocked. You'd have enjoyed it!

Take it easy 'Niel and 'Lyssa.