Monday, August 09, 2010

We're finally starting to see a resemblance....

Carter is 2 months older than Claire in this picture... and Claire is a few pounds heavier... but we're finally starting to see some similarities...


kp said...

so sweet; how did you find her in this pose? - can't believe she is sitting up like that! -super missing you. Took bdp to his preschool orientation today - I think he might be the oldest and the only potty trained ... but he was so excited today that he went to the bathroom 3 times while we were there (only the last time, I was paying attention, so we didn't make it in time ;( ... but I did get hooked up with a gal our parents age who is going to help me out one afternoon a week and is available to babysit during the day ... yeah! Glad you are home

Audrey Woita said...

great shot. i LOVE this pic of has his personality pinned down. and now Claire...a few #s heavier and cute as can be! miss you guys...look forward to catching up soon!