Thursday, May 04, 2006

Belly Hair, I mean belly and hair, oh never mind...

Well baby reeve is growing and so is Alyssa's discomfort (and mine). We are thing of using Austin and Amarillo for names but we can't quite decide which would be the boy's name. Alyssa made a deal with me that is she was photographed so would I, hence the head shot. Exciting, my hair. Only in the world of blogs would I say, "hey friends, look at my hair (especially when it looks like a sweet mullet in the picture)." Things are going well for us, spring is in full bloom in St. Louis and so are the hormones. You know the bees are finding pollen and sending messages out back to the hive, like "hey Dan can you bend over and get the pen I just dropped, or "I know you just laid down to go to bed after another tough day teaching in an under-resourced and over-crowded urban school followed by three hours of grading and lesson planning, but I need a six-cheese quesadilla with guacamole and sour cream and it cant be too hot because I need to eat it right now!!!" Well we all know that bees are fascinating and complex creatures, though the suddenness of their messages can sometimes be alarming. Well I need to go find something that just fell to the ground.


Anonymous said...

Alyssa you are beautiful! Dan, so is your hair!


Anonymous said...

I can't tell whose bigger; Alyssa or the cat

Anonymous said...

Interesting, not sure if that last comment is a compliment or a cut. Sounds like Alyssa is in a sensitive state! thus we will spare you any cryptic comments. Alyssa, Cari and I think you and the little guy or gal look great! Dan, keep rockin the mullet! I know its not a real mullet but I can still dream can't I?

Kate said...

I'm so excited for You and Dan. Keep us posted on your blog. We are living vicariously through you these days. Still a while for us in the kids department.