Thursday, July 14, 2005

Wheat Grass

A week or so ago I wrote about trying to grow wheat grass. It really works... and now I have to admit that I am obsessed. I have planted it in 8 different containers in our house and today am going to try planting it outside. Plants grow amazingly fast here with the humidity.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Alyssa, I planted wheat grass a year ago for our cat to play in and it was the cutest thing. John got a bigger kick out of it than the cat. He said he had never really watched something transform from seed to plant right before his eyes. The cat ended up liking it too, even better than his litter box. It all turned yellow and died. But I have been inspired again and might plant some soon.

You both sound and look good. We just moved to Portland and love it here so far.