Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Well... we are on our own for the first time in 8 weeks. I'm kind of wondering how we will function now without all the naps we are used to. It's pretty nice to have live in babysitters! Dan's brother Dave and sister in law Laurisa left on Tuesday morning. We had an awesome time! It's been great to have spent so much time with family the last couple of months. It really makes us miss home.

Friday we visited the St. Louis Art museum. I know I have said this before... but it's great all the amazing things you can do for FREE!

Armor display. Saint Louis is on the horse above us.

It is unbelievably HOT here right now... so we hung out at home most of the weekend. On Monday we visited the St. Louis Arch. Dave and Laurisa made the 630 foot trek to the top of the arch while we hung out in the museum below.

Dan and Dave carrying Carter up the steps to the arch.

We can't wait to se everyone again at Christmas.

And of course... here are a couple more pictures of Carter from today...

1 comment:

Erica said...

He is getting so big!