1. Carter is 2. He acts like he is 2. I am not going shopping with him anymore.
2. I can't find the darn sponge brush that I know is somewhere in this house. I know it's here because I have spent the last week and a half cleaning and reorganizing... and I know I saw it on one of the 3 levels of this house... or in the shed.
3. Someone threw away the paint swatches that I needed to go get more paint from Lowe's so I could use the sponge brush to touch up around all the outlet covers because I didn't paint close enough for the cover to actually hide the white paint.
4. A neighbor is currently using a chainsaw below Carter's window (it took him over an hour to finally fall asleep today). Don't they know this time of the day is nap time. That's what Saturday mornings are for. I'm kidding (kind of). I've only ever gone outside once during a nap to tell someone to turn down their music.
Ok... I think that's it. Maybe I'm just bummed because Dan unofficially went back to work today. Oh yeah... one more thing...
5. Since we are one the school network... I can hardly access any website because EVERYTHING is blocked. Even the ads on some of the sights I can access are blocked. I know it's a good thing for high schooolers... but it's driving me a little nutso.
Whew... I'm done.
Here's a pic of Carter today with his paciblankie. It's one word to him since one doesn't really seem to work without the other.