Thursday, April 03, 2008

Let's be honest... Dan was not thrilled about the haircut.  What he really wanted to do was put a google poll on the blog asking how much say a husband should have regarding his wife's hair.  I told him absolutely not!  The whole reason I grew it out was for Locks of Love.  I came home with my pony tail of hair in a cute little bag yesterday.  I need to put it in the mail today because everyone that came through the house yesterday wanted to hold it for some reason.  Last night I went downstairs to turn off all the lights in the basement.  As I was on the stairs heading back up I heard Dan say to Steven... "don't tell Alyssa."  This is what I saw when I walked in the room...

I think Dan is having a hard time letting it go.


Erica said...

That is awesome! Also I really like your haircut!

Anonymous said...

You DO look extremely nice with the new haircut, for all my 2 cents are worth : )