Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The End of a Season... and a Hidden Talent

I think I'm just going to use that title for every post for the next two weeks. Maybe I'll get creative and think of something else in a few days... but that's the phrase that has been ringing in my ears lately.

Yesterday really was the end of a season for Steven. It was the last baseball game of his high school career.

Steven will actually be trying out for one of the catching positions with his college team next month and also hopes to play with a summer league like he did last year. It's going to be really strange not seeing him behind home plate on the MRH field next year.

After the game was over and we were waiting for the team to leave the field... Tyre started to get a little bored. He asked me to move from where I was sitting on the bleachers so he would have a little more room to do this...

I was super impressed! So impressed that I asked him to do it 4 times in a row so I could get a picture of him upside down in the air. :) I wish I could do that!


Audrey Woita said...


Paula Reeve said...

WOW Tyre!!!!