Sunday, February 28, 2010

Embracing Missouri

Update: added a video toward the bottom of the post.

We love Missouri... we really do. Really what we love are the people here. We have found community here in a way that's hard to describe. It's pretty awesome. The thing that's really hard for us is the actual state of Missouri. It's been a big adjustment to be so far from the ocean and mountains of Northern California. It's hard not to compare our outdoor activities (or lack of outdoor activities) here to there.... but after 7 years we've decided it's time to embrace this state that is our home now. We kept reminding ourselves of that as we spent this past weekend at a resort along the Lake of the Ozarks in the middle of Missouri. We were there so Dan could attend a writing conference. Our time was amazing! Dan loved getting a chance to spend three days listening to top educators talking about writing instruction (here's a link to his notes) and Carter and I loved getting some quiet time and fun at the resort. I don't think I've ever been to another place where everyone we interacted with was so nice. It was really great! I don't think we realized how much we needed a little time away just the 3 of us.

I know... tons of bowling pics... but Carter was so excited and just looked so darn cute in his bowling shoes.

Bowling pregnant is not easy! I'd rather not put a picture of myself up actually bowling... so here's one for the memory. :)

Looking out at the lake during dinner one night...

The indoor water park at the resort was the big hit! Carter LOVED it! He spent 5 hours there and sat down only once for about 15 minutes when I forced him to eat a banana.

Heading up the stairs to the top of the huge slide...

It actually goes outside the building and then comes back in. Carter and Dan did it over and over!

Carter doesn't look happy... but he's just exhausted. This was his last ride before we left.

The view outside our room this morning...

You can take the boy out of California... but you can't take the California out of the boy. This what Dan was doing right outside our room when we were loading up the car. I love that Carter is already talking about finger holds! :)

1 comment:

Audrey Woita said...

i'm so glad you guys got to get away to such a lovely place. 5 hours in the water park. i can see dan and carter doing the slide over and over again.
i'm so happy for your sweet family to get away by yourselves and enjoy that luxury.

we praise God for the beauty you enjoyed IN missouri. Thanks for sharing Dan's notes. I appreciated reading them.