Wednesday, February 04, 2009

A note to my niece...

Dear Lexie,
Just wanted to let you know that Flat Stanley arrived yesterday. He said his trip halfway across the US was great... but a little bit long. Today I took him to see the 16 foot tall snowman in our neighborhood. You can even see the arch behind him in the picture. We have some fun adventures planned while he is here. He said to tell you hi and that he will see you soon!

Aunt Alyssa
ps- F.S. is in the pink shirt on the far left of the picture.


Lori said...

P.S.I like the new look of the blog!

Anonymous said...

Dear Aunt Alyssa,
It realy looks like Flat Stanley
having fun.Has Carter been spending
time with him and what about Uncle
Dan?Can you take him to the zoo?