Thursday, May 08, 2008

A car for Carter...

Our little guy is a bit spoiled by his "big brothers." Sometimes Steven and Fred make it a competition to see who gets to be a part of a "first" experience. He has had some firsts (ice cream, cocoa puffs, etc.) that we wish would have waited until he was a little older... but that's ok.

Back to the spoiled part. Fred loves to build and paint different types of model vehicles. He has built several engines and cars in the time that he has lived here. He also has a collection of cars in his room that he has had for years. Carter loves to stand in Fred's room and look at all the different cars. Fred usually lets Carter open and close all the doors on the cars and once even let Carter play with one for the day. On Sunday Fred said he was going to walk to the store to get a model to build for Carter. He ended up not being able to find one so he got Carter an awesome monster truck. Carter loved it but still would stand at Fred's door begging to go look at the cars. So... last night Fred GAVE Carter one of the model cars that he has had forever. Carter went nuts and has had it right by his side ever since (Dan actually has a nice bump on his head because of it).

I don't know if you can tell in this picture... but the car even has CA plates.

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