Tuesday, May 06, 2008


I wanted to write this down because this blog has become a memory book of sorts for me. I was just watching American Idol with Fred and was thinking through some conversations that have happened here in the house over the last two days and could not stop laughing. Maybe it's just my extreme exhaustion talking. Whatever it is I wanted to write it down before I forget again.

Steven had to do a Spanish presentation on Monday. For the presentation he needed a picture of each house member (including Carter) to put up on the smart board, he needed to come up with two things each person liked, his relationship to them and their age. It was really funny for me to hear what he thought my two favorite things were... he said shopping and exercising (he got one of those right!). Anyway, I wish I could have been sitting in his class when he tried to explain who I was in Spanish. He must have not said it right because he said people were asking how he had a 28 year old mother.

Not long after we moved in here I realized that we could not hide our flaws. The guys get to see the real us. Last night Steven had a friend over and they were arguing with Dan over who was the boss... me or him. The guys said me. I couldn't believe it. I do feel pretty strongly about household responsibilities each week. I think it really just shows what an amazing husband I have. All of this leads me to the comment that really made me laugh tonight. Steven REALLY wanted Dan to come outside and play whiffle ball. Before even asking Dan if he wanted to... he came and asked me if Dan was allowed to come outside and play. I guess I need to lighten up a bit!

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